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Some Common Grounds…
You’re at home in the great outdoors…
You’re inspired by the tiniest details of nature…
You seek out slow fashion because it’s sustainable and impactful…
You’re in the right place and I’m excited to share this journey with you:)

Using Ozark found fossils, wildflowers, and botanicals to form my own unique, one-of-a-kind molds used with my metal art jewelry. Each focal piece holds a story of adventure, and an appreciation for the natural world that I hope to share with each person who invests in my art. My hope is that the wearer of each necklace, ring, bracelet, and earring gains and feels that love for nature and the Ozarks, as well as the passion to preserve the precious resources around us.
Wildflowers & Botanicals
Jewelry as unique as the wearer. Collected and molded in the Ozarks.
Fossil & Stone Textures
Necklaces and rings inspired by those with their noses always buried in a river bank.